Tagetes minuta essential oil is distinguished by its multiple benefits. Originally from South America, this plant is mainly cultivated in Madagascar, where it displays its full potential. This precious essence offers a wide range of remarkable therapeutic and aromatic properties:


A good marigold essential oil should have the following characteristics. Do not hesitate to ask your supplier to be certain of the quality of your oil.



Tagetes minuta essential oil is distinguished by its multiple benefits. Originally from South America, this plant is mainly cultivated in Madagascar, where it displays its full potential. This precious essence offers a wide range of remarkable therapeutic and aromatic properties:



A good marigold essential oil should have the following characteristics. Do not hesitate to ask your supplier to be certain of the quality of your oil.


  • Can we use Tagete minuta essential oil for respiratory problems?

    Yes, it is traditionally used for its anti-catarrhal, mucolytic and expectorant properties, which can help with respiratory infections.

  • How do I test if I am allergic to Tagete minuta essential oil?

    Before any use on the skin, it is recommended to carry out a test under the bend of the elbow to check for the absence of an allergic reaction.

  • How to use Tagetes minuta essential oil as an anti-inflammatory?

    To use Tagetes minuta essential oil as an anti-inflammatory, it is recommended to dilute it in a carrier vegetable oil to a concentration of 1 to 2%. Then apply the mixture to the affected area to reduce inflammation. Use it 2 to 3 times a day, being careful not to expose yourself to the sun after application. It is important to perform a skin test before use to avoid allergic reactions. Avoid use in pregnant, lactating women and children under 6 years old. Consult a healthcare professional before beginning any treatment with essential oils, especially if you have specific medical conditions.

Certified Organic

We produce HBBDE certified essential and vegetable oils

Fair trade

Aromeya applies fair trade rules to all our producers

Aromeya in France

Essential oils and vegetable oils from Madagascar are available in France at A La Quintessence


Aromeya is the distributor and exclusive representative of Aluminum Tournaire packaging in Madagascar